- Brad Shah/ London.
# Dear Brad, We have had a lot of discussions over here regarding Long distance relationship already. I guess, by now everyone has understood that a long distance relationship is very difficult to handle, yet, not impossible! But in order to go through a long distance relationship, both of the partners have to be very sincere to each other, dedicated and equally interested. Often anger, misunderstandings, disputes, complaints and stuffs like these tend to occur, after all, it’s all a part of life. No one can anticipate only happiness in life, isn’t it?
However, only they will make it through who has a strong will to keep the relationship alive; those who have the ability to continue relationship despite all the problems that may arise. Well, what else can I say? Consider all those problems as the test of your love and see whether each and every one of us do really pass or fail the test. That is the factor which decides whether one’s love will survive or die.
Alright, enough lecturing.... back to the problem at hand!! Brad, I think you’re not wrong from you side. You have done all you could but if she doesn’t believe you, that’s her problem. Anyways, don't think it's all over yet, give a few more tries. Yeah, call her up, tell her, “at least for the sake of the past, let’s make things clear once and for all.” If she doesn’t receive telephone, send her a mail or text whatever you prefer and tell her everything that you have in mind. May be your heart will lighten up, this way. If it’s really your mistake, never delay to apologize. Well, if I were on your shoes, I’d try to convince at the most for 3 times, then it’s up to her. If she really loves you and has the willing to continue with you, she’ll come back sooner or later. Meanwhile, you can have some space. Read some self-help books, self-improvement articles, gather with friends; share your sorrows with your best friends. Try not to think about her and prepare yourself for the worst because her answers can be anything also even if she doesn’t reply, you’ll get the answer from her silence, right? I wish you all the best, Good Luck.
Oh boy!! That was a tough one. Whew!! From my personal experience, I know it’s very painful to be in a long distance relationship but I still have the willingness to continue and I don’t give up easily. I wonder why sometimes “out of sight is out of mind” Okay, let’s not make it boring by my own bla bla bla. Actually, I wanted to list some steps, here, that will make a long distance relationship work. I’ll put it this way and sign off for now, love ya all.
1. Make the parameters of your relationship clear. Is it only for dating, boyfriend/ girlfriend, marriage, sex etc? It may seem an awkward question to ask but if things are clear later on, in the end, it’ll save us from heartache. Share what you expect from the relationship.
2. Do things together like watch movies, have a discussion over a topic, play online games together. Send surprises, love notes etc.
3. Communication, as being the foremost important factor, has to be regular or scheduled.
4. Don’t try to be controlling. Keep your space and live your life.
5. Talk about your future together. Make plans.
6. Avoid and tackle jealousy, be trusting, be positive. Maintain open communication, no hiding and no lying.
7. Give them personal object of yours, or which you’ve used for long so that when they miss you badly they can hold on to that thing.
8. Share ideas and views about balancing the relationship. Show that you really care and want the relationship alive.
However, only they will make it through who has a strong will to keep the relationship alive; those who have the ability to continue relationship despite all the problems that may arise. Well, what else can I say? Consider all those problems as the test of your love and see whether each and every one of us do really pass or fail the test. That is the factor which decides whether one’s love will survive or die.
Alright, enough lecturing.... back to the problem at hand!! Brad, I think you’re not wrong from you side. You have done all you could but if she doesn’t believe you, that’s her problem. Anyways, don't think it's all over yet, give a few more tries. Yeah, call her up, tell her, “at least for the sake of the past, let’s make things clear once and for all.” If she doesn’t receive telephone, send her a mail or text whatever you prefer and tell her everything that you have in mind. May be your heart will lighten up, this way. If it’s really your mistake, never delay to apologize. Well, if I were on your shoes, I’d try to convince at the most for 3 times, then it’s up to her. If she really loves you and has the willing to continue with you, she’ll come back sooner or later. Meanwhile, you can have some space. Read some self-help books, self-improvement articles, gather with friends; share your sorrows with your best friends. Try not to think about her and prepare yourself for the worst because her answers can be anything also even if she doesn’t reply, you’ll get the answer from her silence, right? I wish you all the best, Good Luck.
Oh boy!! That was a tough one. Whew!! From my personal experience, I know it’s very painful to be in a long distance relationship but I still have the willingness to continue and I don’t give up easily. I wonder why sometimes “out of sight is out of mind” Okay, let’s not make it boring by my own bla bla bla. Actually, I wanted to list some steps, here, that will make a long distance relationship work. I’ll put it this way and sign off for now, love ya all.
1. Make the parameters of your relationship clear. Is it only for dating, boyfriend/ girlfriend, marriage, sex etc? It may seem an awkward question to ask but if things are clear later on, in the end, it’ll save us from heartache. Share what you expect from the relationship.
2. Do things together like watch movies, have a discussion over a topic, play online games together. Send surprises, love notes etc.
3. Communication, as being the foremost important factor, has to be regular or scheduled.
4. Don’t try to be controlling. Keep your space and live your life.
5. Talk about your future together. Make plans.
6. Avoid and tackle jealousy, be trusting, be positive. Maintain open communication, no hiding and no lying.
7. Give them personal object of yours, or which you’ve used for long so that when they miss you badly they can hold on to that thing.
8. Share ideas and views about balancing the relationship. Show that you really care and want the relationship alive.
-- Dr. Teen..
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